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Global Connections Co. Ltd (GC) and the Global Traditional Taekwondo Federation (GTTF) are one family. We promise that we will help each other and become an essential organization in human society.


GC agrees with the mission and purpose of GTTF and aims to contribute to society through economic diplomacy in the global community through GTTF.


The GTTF is a group of global Taekwondo leaders who are concerned about the losing traditional martial art values that our seniors and ancestors kept for centuries. It is a worldwide private Taekwondo organization that gathered together to preserve traditional Taekwondo, which is being forgotten.


The GTTF Taekwondo not only trains a strong body and mind, but also adopts the following values ​​as the spirit of training.


Ten Teaching Principles

1. I will be loyal to my country

2. I will honor my parents

3. I will love my family and cooperate with them

4. I will be faithful to my  friends

5. I will respect my elders and care for my juniors

6. I will establish positive relationships with my teachers

7. I will treat all living things with care

8. I will never seek advantage of those who are weaker

9. I will only use Taekwondo to benefit myself and others

10. I will always finish what I start

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